The Rise of Cosmetic Dentistry from Dentists in Saint Augustine

Thanks to great advancements in the cosmetic dentistry industry, more and more people are able to afford these great procedures.  The popularity of cosmetic dentistry has increased among millions of Americans as new technology and increased competition in the industry has driven down prices for some of the most popular procedures available today. This means that many more Americans are now able to enjoy the many benefits that these great procedures has to offer.

As any cosmetic dentist will tell you, cosmetic dentistry procedures are geared as much towards the physical appearance of teeth as they are for dental functionality. With a greater emphasis on appearance these days people no longer only want functional teeth but want a beautiful smile.

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

There are various procedures performed by cosmetic dentists that can really help you to take your smile to the next level. Some of these procedures include:

·       Dental implants: This procedure works as a permanent solution to any missing teeth that a patient might have. It includes a surgically attached metal rod to the patient’s jawbone along with a denture or dental bridge being attached to the rod. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular as an effective and permanent alternative to dentures.

·       Dental veneers: With this procedure a small porcelain cover will be custom-fitted to your tooth by a cosmetic dentist using a strong adhesive. This will result in a better shape and color of the tooth and can help to turn your smile into something spectacular. Patients usually opt for having several veneers fitted at once.

·       Teeth whitening: Great new technology in the teeth whitening industry now allows patients to enjoy beautiful, healthy looking white teeth. The dentist will place a bleaching agent on the teeth which will effectively remove any stains from the teeth.

These are only a few of the many different cosmetic dental procedures that has gained a lot of popularity among Americans in recent years. If you are looking for an experienced and expert cosmetic dentist that will help you to take your smile to the next level, then contact the Burgess Center for affordable dentistry from seasoneddentists in Saint Augustine

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